It’s an “Inspiration Party” and you’re invited!

This free one-hour online friendly get together is for those who want to reconnect with their source of energy and get back to enjoying life.

If you’ve been feeling:

  • Physically exhausted or drained
  • Blah about life, in general
  • Disenchanted with the world at-large
  • Fatigued at work
  • Uninspired in your creative projects

... then this event is for you!

Join the party on THURSDAY, MAY 30TH AT 9:30 A.M. PDT and get a little more “pep in your step”.

RSVP to the “Inspiration Party” 

Open to the flow of your own energy.

Please note that by providing your name and email, you are opting in to receive emails from The New School for Inspired Work. You can unsubscribe at any time.

Inspiration is the experience of energy flowing through your being into the world 

When we open our hearts to receive, so long as we maintain our connection to self, we have access to an endless flow of energy with which to act. At the party, you will learn how to effortlessly connect with your source of energy and use it as the font of creation for your work and your life.

What happens at this party doesn’t just “stay at the party”, you can apply it to all areas of your life.

Learn a Cool Party Trick

Discover the one technique guaranteed to help you feel inspired in any moment.

Make Connections

Create a safe space to open your heart to receive your life-force energy.

Get your Energy Moving

Participate in some simple practices to break out of stagnation and get into flow.

The Inspiration Party starts in:









Add your name to the guest list

Sign up now and receive your free downloadable “goody bag” filled with all kinds of fun inspiration practices.

Please note that by providing your name and email, you are opting in to receive emails from The New School for Inspired Work. You can unsubscribe at any time.

Hi, I’m Kiley, your host

I’ve been living and breathing inspiration since 2007. Before then, I had so little vitality in my being, you could have written me off as dead. Through the journey of discovering, creating, and living my inspired work, I learned how to connect with my true source of energy and now share my experiences so that others may also reclaim their enthusiasm for life.Â