Work: A Love Story

Hosted by Kiley Redhead, Creator of The New School for Inspired Work

Are your stories of work getting so old that even you are bored of them?
Has your relationship with your current work become stale?
Do you even like the idea of work?


If you’ve been wanting to live a different experience of your work, yet have felt stuck in your old stories, this is where you can begin to change your relationship. Be forewarned, however, you may just fall in love with the entire concept of work itself.

When you shift your stories of work, your real-world experience changes to match your new story. As a result, you:

  • Liberate yourself from work that is not aligned with who you are
  • Open to new potentials and ideas for your work
  • Create work that is meaningful, fulfilling, and engaging
  • Express your heart and soul through your work
  • Have more fun with work (yes, fun!)
  • Live your inspired life

Bring your heart and soul (and pen and paper) to this hands-on story writing workshop. To be clear, you will not be learning how to write. You will be provided with the space and tools to write a newer, truer, and more loving story of work – the story you actually want to live.

During this live interactive workshop, you will:

  • End the old story of work that has been keeping you stuck in work you don’t love
  • Draw upon the expressive power of your senses to write an engaging new story
  • Integrate your heart’s true desires into your work
  • Access the expansive nature of your imagination to step into new possibilities
  • Create a new story that inspires you into action to bring your work to life!

Come write your heart out

Write the love story of work you actually want to live.

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Lucky in love

Hi, my name is Kiley and I’ll be your guide through this experience. Years ago I wrote a fantastic new story for my work and it began with falling in love with myself. I’ve been supporting other adventurous spirits and visionary souls create their new work stories for over 15 years since.

Read more of my story