
Join these online events to explore new potentials in the realm of your inspired work.


Project: Possibility

Open to new potentials for your work.

As we emerge into this new era, what’s exciting is that anything and everything is possible for your work. You may already feel as though you have something more to give, and you may also be frustrated because you cannot yet see what this might be. This is why I created Project: Possibility.

Project: Possibility is an online workroom where we gather to imagine new possibilities – for your work and for the world.

This free one-hour online event is a playful experience where we work together to break through any perceived barriers so that you can receive new ideas and open to new opportunities for your work.

“This is a fun way to break through our limiting stories and be reminded that anything is possible!”
Susan Allen

Join the next event on:

Sign up for “Project: Possibility”


Determine your
Life Purpose

Find your answer to life’s most sought-after question.

Without purpose, it can feel as though we are lost adrift in a sea of meaninglessness. We all want to know we exist for a reason, and many of us spend much of our lives seeking that reason to no avail.

When it comes to determining our life purpose, if we are asking ourselves the “wrong” questions, we will never arrive at a satisfying answer.

If you’ve been seeking the work that will bring meaning to your life, this workshop will help you find your answer to the one question that will end your search once and for all.

“Life is never made unbearable by circumstances, but only by lack of meaning and purpose.”
Viktor Frankl

Join the event on:

Sign up for “Determine your Life Purpose”


Inspired Work Challenge: A Live 5-Day Event

Prepare yourself for the journey to discover your real work.

Starting September 26, this experience will help you find clarity about the work that is meaningful and fulfilling to you and provide you with the steps to transform your ideas into your reality.

Set yourself on the path of doing work that is the truest expression of who you are and use your gifts to make your unique contribution to the world.

“My work is now something meaningful I can dedicate my life to.”
Sherry Akef
Sign up for the 5-day “Inspired Work Challenge”