The New School Library

A catalogue of free resources for your study and enjoyment.

Feeling inspired is your natural state of being guide inspiration

“I just realized I’ve never felt inspired in my life,” he said softly. The room went quiet in respect for his vulnerability. It was early days in the Vision Program when I used to teach in a classroom setting. As a group, we were exploring the question “What does feeling inspired feel like?” There’s something fascinating about inspiration – even just...

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What it takes to venture out onto your own path inspired work learn

A few years ago, I attended my 25th-year reunion for my university class where I attained my degree in chemical engineering. Before the event, I was hesitant to go. During my time in the program, I always felt like a bit of an outsider, and that’s saying something given it’s a group of people who often already felt on the edges of society. Having said that, I enjoyed my stint at...

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Let the story of “suffering” drop away

If you’re anything like me, your computer might be blanketed with sticky notes that feature little blurbs of insight you have picked up while reading or listening to this or that. Right now, I have 15 of them. One in particular falls off regularly, and I keep picking it up off my desk and pressing it back onto my monitor. It just fell off again for the umpteenth time, and when I went to...

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The creative journey can be better together community creativity inspired work

No matter how capable we are, the act of creating our inspired work can be fraught with challenges that can sometimes be more easily navigated when we are travelling in the company of others.

I glanced over at the pair of them laughing together and I longed for the same. I’ve always prided myself on my fierce independence, but given the experience I had just been through, I sure...

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Clarity comes not from seeking the answers but living the questions inspired work workbook

I used to believe there was only one right answer to every question, such as the question “What am I meant to do for work?” I was very rigid in how I perceived myself and the world around me. Since then, I’ve been on an evolutionary journey in my relationship with questions and answers. I’ve also been on a parallel journey in the unfolding of my work. When I was young, I...

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5 classic books about discovering your inspired work books inspiration inspired work

When I was seeking clarity about the work that would be meaningful to me, I read every book about the topic I could get my hands on. It was through the lens of these authors that I began to reshape my entire concept of work. Beforehand, I perceived work as something we do, now I see work as an expression of who we are. Even though we are entering into a new paradigm of work, these classic reads...

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The real reasons we work (it’s not just about money) inspired work story

Do you ever question why you work? At one time, I sure did. I was stuck in a career path where I was making good money, yet I was left feeling numb and completely uninspired by life. I remember lashing out at the people around me thinking they were “so uninspiring”. I laugh at myself now. It took me having a mental breakdown to realize the person who was so uninspiring was ME....

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Let’s play the game of possibility game inspired work possibility workshop

Because of the pandemic, I ended up having to close our then fledgling adventure business. My partner and I had dedicated three years to building the business, and we were just on the verge of having our breakthrough season when it all came screeching to a halt. For a moment, I felt panicky and got caught up in fear and limitation. However, after being an entrepreneur for over 20...

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Creating work that is the truest expression of who you are inspired work story vision program webinar

“Sometimes, I wonder how you do it,” a friend said to me recently. Over the last 13 years, he has been witness to both the highs and lows I have experienced in bringing my inspired work to the world. “It’s easy,” I said, “I’m living a life true to myself.”

Before he and I met, what seems like another lifetime now, I was living a lie. It was the...

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The lessons I wish I had learned at school to prepare me for my real work inspired work learn

As a child, I loved school. I had a mind suited for traditional types of learning. Even though I breezed through subjects like math and science, I most certainly was not trained for any kind of fulfilling or meaningful work. For that, I had to go on my own educational journey.

In my early adult years, I followed a somewhat conventional path. I went to university and earned my degree in chemical...

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Why clarifying your vision is so important – and so hard audio inspired work vision

When I first began offering this work over a decade ago, I tested out my fledgling program on a group of brave friends. In its original form, the Vision Program was only six sessions long. At the end, I asked my friends for their feedback. I had to wait a few days before I actually had the courage to read their notes. I had created something so close to my heart, I wasn’t sure how I would...

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5 questions to ask yourself before you quit your job inspired work reflection

If you have discovered my work, it’s quite likely you are experiencing some kind of displeasure with your current work. Oftentimes people come to me when they are at their breaking point. They can no longer tolerate the situation they are in and are ready to jump ship, however, their real point of frustration is they don’t know what’s next or how to figure that out. This is...

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